woensdag 25 mei 2011

My drawings

A few days ago we had to make drawings of things using perspective and shadows in art class.
First we had to make a series of drawings of an apple, every drawing another bite was taken from it.
I thought I did the first drawings pretty good, but the last ones were a bit weird.
After we finished that we were allowed to draw other things, I tried to draw an orange.
It looked pretty good, but the shadows were not so good. I think I also could have done better on the texture of the orange. I tried to draw it another time, and it looked a little better.

Then I made the drawing you see in the picture above. It are just some random objects from my pencilcase.
I think I did pretty good and I'm proud of it.(If you don't look at the "pencil sharpener" in the bottom right.)

Then we also had to make an drawing of a ball or fruit on black paper with white crayons.
I choose to draw a simple ball. It looked fine but I did the shadows wrong.