donderdag 21 oktober 2010

Graffiti art illusion!!

Wenner 1
I like this graffiti because it is an illusion, it looks very real and seems to have depth.
I think it's pretty awesome.
You can only see something in it from this angle, the man without the shirt sees it wierd and upside-down.
It's made by Kurt Wenner, he is also the maker of Gears of War, this video shows  him make it.

dinsdag 12 oktober 2010

Art in my house

This stained glass, shows the 5 most important monuments in Biervliet:
- Catholic church, Protestant church, the statue of Willem Beukelszoon, the mill, and the "dorpshuis".

I like it because it's pretty special and it's looks cool.
I also like it because it is made for Biervliet.
I have other things of Art in my house, but i like this the most, for some reason it's just so cool.
I have no idea how old it is or who made it because I moved to this house about a year ago.
When i know more about it I think i post something about it, but for now, this is all i know about it.

About me

Hey i'm Milan de Putter.
I'm 13 years old and i live in Biervliet.
I'm doing TTO on the "Zsc" and my class is named: B1K
My hobby's are football and playing computergames.
I've got one little brother named Noah and one little sister named Julia.
Noah is 10 years old and Julia is 4.