dinsdag 18 september 2012

Drawing made by my little sister

The drawing on the left is made by my six-year-old sister. I asked her to make a drawing for me showing anything she liked. She made a few drawings and chose the best one according to her.

I think this one shows my father playing football. (Even though my father doesn't play football.) My little sister always draws my father like that. I recognize the way the hair is drawn. The clothes he is wearing in the drawing look a bit like football outfit of our local team. It is also very clear she attempted to draw a football on the left. 

She filled the background by quickly drawing some lines that resemble grass. I believe that's how I used to draw grass. It's easy and quick.

My sister is already six and it wasn't very hard to guess what this drawing shows. I can imagine it is a lot harder what the drawings of a four-year-old show. 

maandag 11 juni 2012

Evening Landscape With Rising Moon

The picture above shows a painting of Van Gogh. It is called: Evening Landscape With Rising Moon. I chose this painting because I really liked it when I first saw it. I found it hard to copy it, though. I'm not really a very good painter. I had some problems with getting the right colours for the middle section sof the painting. As you can see, it is way too pink. The picture I had turned out to be too light. That is why all the colours in my painting are too light too. I didn't completely finish all the details, as I run out of time. The mark I got for the painting was a seven. I am very happy with that mark.

zondag 8 januari 2012

Visit to Canterbury Cathedral

Before the visit to the Canterbury Cathedral

My expectations

What am I going to see in Engeland? I know I'm going to see a big cathedral. I have seen some pictures from the outside, but I haven't seen it completely. I expect it to be very, very tall. I think it will be strange to see such a building standing in between all those normal buildings.

I think I will love to see the Canterbury Cathedral in real life, it is so big and beautiful. I've never been in such a cathedral before. I've visited a couple of churches, but I think this is much more than just a church. I

What do I already know about the Canterbury Cathedral?

I don't know much about the Canterbury Cathedral. As I've said, I have seen a few photos from the outside of the cathedral, so I know how it looks.
I also know something about Thomas Becket. He was the archbishop of Canterbury. After he had some disagreement with the king, he was assassinated by four knights.

After the visit to the Canterbury Cathedral
What did I think about the visit?

I loved the visit to England. The Canterbury Cathedral was more beautiful than I expected. The high ceilings, the beautiful stained glass windows, the carvings and statues, it was amazing to see. The part I like the most about the Canterbury Cathedral was the nave. The ceiling was so high and there was so much space. The aisles next to the nave were also very beautiful with the stained glass windows.


Here you see the nave with the aisles on the both left and right side of it.
You can see the Gothic-styled arches, stained glass windows and in the back you can see the crossing. On the ceiling of the nave you can see the Gothic arches come together with liernes, tiercerons and diagonal buttresses and in the middle a keystone.

On the left you can see a picture of the choir, apse and much more.
You can see the arches are less decorated than those in the nave.
On the left and right, behind the smaller arches, you can see a part of the ambulatories. If you look in the back, you can see parts of the apse and maybe even from the Lady chapel.

On the picture below you can see a part of the crypt of the Canterbury Cathedral. It exists mostly under the eastern part of the church, starting in the crossing. there are some low arches, and it isn't as heavily decorated as the rest of the cathedral. We weren't allowed to take photographs there because it is a holy place. Therefore I took a photo from the internet.

zondag 30 oktober 2011

Illuminated letter

This is my illuminated letter. It had to look medieval, like in books drawn by monks from that time.
I decided to use a lot of colours from nature, like green and brown.
I personally think it looks pretty good, but it's not really medieval.
The branches surrounding the letter aren't very bright. That is because I first made this letter in gray with a normal pencil. But then my teacher said we had to colour it, and I didn't really have time to colour the branches too, so I only coloured very softly.
I scored a 7.5 for it, so I'm happy

woensdag 25 mei 2011

My drawings

A few days ago we had to make drawings of things using perspective and shadows in art class.
First we had to make a series of drawings of an apple, every drawing another bite was taken from it.
I thought I did the first drawings pretty good, but the last ones were a bit weird.
After we finished that we were allowed to draw other things, I tried to draw an orange.
It looked pretty good, but the shadows were not so good. I think I also could have done better on the texture of the orange. I tried to draw it another time, and it looked a little better.

Then I made the drawing you see in the picture above. It are just some random objects from my pencilcase.
I think I did pretty good and I'm proud of it.(If you don't look at the "pencil sharpener" in the bottom right.)

Then we also had to make an drawing of a ball or fruit on black paper with white crayons.
I choose to draw a simple ball. It looked fine but I did the shadows wrong.

dinsdag 29 maart 2011

My bread painting!!

Here is a picture of my painting of a bread.
The bread has salad, chicken and a slice of tomato on it. First my bread had only one layer of salad, but then you couldn't see the difference between the chicken and the bread. I added another layer of salad, and now it looks fine.

First, I wanted to make a Roman pillar under my bread. I drew it and then started to colour it. Unfortunatly I dripped black paint on it. I couldn't get it off, so I mixed the colours of the pillar(white and lightbrown) with the black, luckily, it turned into gray.
So I made a rock, it's a bit boring and simple but I thought it would do fine. 

I didn't do a very good job on the colours. I forgot to add shadow on the mountains and bottom layer of salad is a bit weird coloured.
Also my painting is a bit boring, because of all the gray, but it does make my bread jump out some more.

(Lets say its a reference to the battle of Hamburger Hill, my father told me about that.)

woensdag 23 februari 2011

Johannes Itten

Johannes Itten was a Swiss painter, creator and teacher.
He was born on 11 november 1888 in Südern-Linden, and died on 27 may 1967 in Zürich.
In 1938, he had to leave Germany and went to Amsterdam.
After that he became the leader of the Kunstwerbeschule in Zürich.
Johannes Itten
In 1966, he got a prize from a Dutch paintfactory named Sikkens, the name of the prize was the Sikkens-prize, for colour and space.
Itten's colourwheel
He was the inventor of a new color theory, with primary, secondary and tertiaire colours.
If you mix two primary colours, you get a secondary colour.
If you give a secondary colour a tint of a primary colour, you get a tertiare colour.

This is my self-made colourwheel. We had to make it in art class.
I used paint, because we had to.
I think i did pretty well on the left side of it, but on the right side I failed at the violet colours.
Also, now I see it like this, I reversed the orange colours.
But I think I did pretty well with green.
I got a 7 for it, so I'm happy.